Why should you use a blackjack chart?

Becoming a blackjack player, one finds a game rich in history and renowned for its strategic depth. There is more to playing this game than trying to outsmart the dealer. A big part of the game revolves around knowing the right moment when to hit, stand, or double. And, at the heart of this electrifying dance, lies a parchment of wisdom - *the blackjack strategy chart or table as some players may refer to it.

Think of this handy tool as a trusty guide. Almost everyone in the casino community values it, whether they're newbies or old hands. It gives clear advice on any given hand, acting as a strategy compass that points the way to better choices. At Guts Live Casino, we've seen this chart prove its worth countless times.

For blackjack fans playing through Guts Casino New Zealand, this table is more than just a piece of paper or a digital guide. It's your ticket to elevating your game, helping you navigate each move with confidence. As advocates for all things blackjack, we're here to help you not just play but excel in the game. With the probability table by your side, you'll be better equipped to make those game-winning decisions.

The Art and Science Behind the Basic Strategy Chart

The strategy chart reflects a culmination of mathematical research, painstakingly plotting the best possible moves for every card combination. Let us take a moment to explore the core tenets.

As we know, a fundamental action in the game is the ‘’double down’’. What does the chart have to do with it? The strategy table offers clear guidance on this, illuminating moments when the double down becomes your sharpest tool. Knowing when to utilise this can be the difference between triumphant success and a defeat.

But, the blackjack odds chart isn't limited to just one strategy. It’s an encyclopaedic trove, detailing possible moves and actions. Each decision point on the table is a product of probabilistic calculations, ensuring Kiwi players have the best odds in their favour. For the novice, it demystifies the intricate dance of the game, offering a structured pathway. For the veteran, it's a trusty reminder, ensuring no opportunity is overlooked.

The Strategy Chart's Courses of Action

The blackjack chart doesn’t just hint at potential moves; it unveils well-calculated courses of action, becoming an unyielding pillar supporting your gameplay, steering you with data-driven advice through the pivotal choices that dictate the rhythm of the game. As a matter of fact, it covers all the major courses of action in “21”. So, consulting it, the player gains a full insight into what their next move should be. Let us explore what those ‘’next moves’’ might entail.

The Strike Move: Choosing to Hit

‘’Hit’’ is the command you give when you desire an additional card. But when is the right time to hit, and when should you pass? The answer isn't merely based on a whim; it's a calculated decision informed by the blackjack basic strategy chart. Based on a combination of your current hand and the dealer's visible card, the table can pinpoint moments when hitting increases your odds of landing closer to the desired number, 21. Of course, while hitting has its strategic moments, it's essential to avoid overstepping and busting.

Doubling the Drama: When to Double

‘’Double down’’ is your golden opportunity to double your bet and potential winnings. It's that exhilarating moment where you're so confident about your next move that you're willing to stake twice as much on it. But, like all things rewarding, there's a risk. When should you courageously double down, and when should you play it safe? The strategy table provides valuable insights into this, helping New Zealanders understand the statistical advantages of particular situations.

The Tactical Divide: Opting to Split

Splitting can be an exhilarating move in blackjack online, essentially providing you with two separate hands to play. But it's not always rainbows and butterflies. Splitting your cards at the right moment, based on the dealer's card, can amplify your winning odds. Conversely, an ill-timed split might lead you into troubled waters. The strategy chart meticulously details instances when splitting is your best move and when it's best to keep your cards together, ensuring your game remains on the upswing.

Tactical Retreat: Knowing When to Surrender

Surrendering in blackjack might sound like you're giving up, but it's often a strategic retreat, preserving half of your original bet when things look bleak. It's about playing the long game, recognising when you're likely to lose and deciding that recouping some of your bet is better than losing it all. But, the question remains: when to surrender? The chart has dedicated sections for this, providing clarity on the situations where surrendering is a shrewd choice. Armed with this knowledge, you can play with confidence, knowing when to hold your ground and when to gracefully retreat.

Decoding the Blueprint of Casino Blackjack Strategy Chart

As we could see, leveraging the chart involves more than a cursory glance; it requires a profound understanding of its foundational principles and salient features. It is about diving deep and getting friendly with all those nifty details that make up this tool. When you are familiar with everything the table offers, you will have an easier time memorising it and eventually using it for gaming quests.

Understanding Chart Colours

For someone new to the online blackjack strategy chart, the burst of colours can be initially intimidating, but each hue holds a strategic key. Typically, colours differentiate between the various actions a player should take. A common table might use red for "stand", green for "hit", blue for "double", and yellow for "split". These colour codes are instrumental for quick decision-making. When engrossed in a fast-paced game, a glance at the relevant colour can guide your next move.

Advanced blackjack strategy chart

The Significance of Rows

Moving onto the rows, they often represent the total value of a player's hand. When playing blackjack, this is your starting point. For instance, if you're dealt a hand totalling 13, you'll scan the row labelled "13". Each row's specific recommendations differ based on the dealer's face-up card, ensuring that the optimal chart remains relevant for myriad scenarios. The rows run typically from the lowest hand value to the highest, offering step-by-step guidance.

Guidance of the Chart's Columns

Columns are equally crucial, representing the dealer's face-up card. After determining your hand value from the rows, you'll shift your focus vertically to intersect with the dealer's card. This intersection point, be it on an online strategy table or its physical counterpart, dictates your best move. For instance, if your row indicates a hand value of 16 and the dealer's column shows a face-up card of 9, the intersecting cell will recommend whether to stand, hit, double down, or split.

Learning the Nuances of the Blackjack Chart

Talking about all these details, you might wonder, how does one learn all the information that the chart blackjack has? According to our experts, that journey can be summarised in a few steps. By following them diligently, you'll find yourself evolving from a rookie player to a seasoned enthusiast, making decisions with both confidence and clarity:

  1. Patience is key: In blackjack, you're not racing against a clock. Thus, immerse yourself in the game’s rhythm and take measured steps. It's common for players, in a rush, to overlook a strategic move, potentially costing them the game. Always double-check the table before you make a move.
  2. Understand the hierarchy: Before diving into other moves, grasp the significance of ‘’surrender’’ and ‘’split’’. They stand out in their importance and should be your initial considerations since they cannot be executed after drawing a card.
  3. Align your chart with the game: Not all blackjack games are identical in rules. Hence, ensure your strategy table complements the specific game variant you're engaging in.
  4. Embrace the flashcard method: Reinforce your understanding post-study by curating a set of flashcards. By jotting down diverse hands and subsequently verbalising the strategic move, you solidify your knowledge, readying yourself for real-time action.
  5. Have a printed blueprint: While the digital age is convenient, there's something to be said about the tangible. Printing the strategy chart and placing it within arm's reach offers a quick consultation platform. With each glance, you not only make informed decisions but also imprint the strategies on your mind.
  6. Stay on the course: Remember, the strategy chart isn't just a suggestion - it’s a culmination of meticulous calculation and game analysis. Avoid letting your emotions divert you from the table 's guidance. A deviation might seem tempting, but adhering to a proven strategy ensures you play with precision.

Beyond the Basics: Card Counting in Blackjack

While playing blackjack often revolves around its apparent simplicity, beneath the surface of this classic card game lies a whole world of strategies and possibilities. Accordingly, the chart is not the only tool which enthusiastics players turn to. Another fascinating and widely-discussed strategy is ‘’card counting’’. Contrary to popular belief, card counting isn't about possessing a photographic memory or being a mathematical genius. Instead, it's a systematic approach to gauging whether upcoming cards are predominantly high or low.

This strategy stems from a fundamental insight: when the deck is rich in high-value cards (like tens and aces), the player has a better chance of landing a blackjack and can also expect higher starting hands. On the other hand, when the deck tilts towards lower value cards, the dealer, constrained by the game’s rules, is at an advantage. In essence, card counting lets players exploit this information by adjusting their bets and actions to mirror the composition of the remaining deck.

It's important to point out that card counting is nothing about predicting the next card on the decks. For Kiwi newcomers, the technique might seem daunting, but with persistence and understanding, it can become a vital tool in a player’s arsenal.

The Renowned Hi-Lo Count System

Among the myriad card counting systems, the Hi-Lo Count stands out in its brilliance and simplicity. Simplifying the often intricate world, the Hi-Lo Count introduces a straightforward method: assigning point values to each card. High-value cards, encompassing 10s through aces, are designated a -1. This indicates a slight advantage to the house when these cards are not in play. Conversely, the lower cards, ranging from 2 through 6, are valued at +1, suggesting they’re generally favourable for the player. The neutral cards, which are the 7 through 9, don't sway the balance much and are assigned a zero.

As cards are dealt and the game unfolds, players gently adjust their ‘’running count’’ based on these values. A positive count is a gentle nudge suggesting that perhaps the deck is now richer in low-value cards; a cue for players to perhaps be a tad more cautious with their bets. On the other hand, a negative count signals the dominance of high-value cards, hinting at the potential for slightly bolder plays.

Numerous Opportunities at Guts NZ

Ever wondered where the perfect spot is to flex blackjack strategy muscles? Well, look no further! We at Guts Casino have always been a popular destination for those Kiwis who want to come and dazzle us with their skills. We're not just talking about any ordinary blackjack; we're talking about a wide array of games that cater to all Kiwis.

Now, while you've been brushing up on your blackjack double down tactics and other neat strategies, we've been hard at work too! We’ve crafted a comprehensive blackjack guide, tailor-made to assist Kiwi players. It’s filled to the brim with strategies, tips, and tricks that will have you navigating our tables like a pro. Guts New Zealand truly is the best spot for creating unforgettable casino moments!


How can I boost my odds with the help of the blackjack chart?

Quite easily! The chart provides the mathematically best moves for any given situation, thereby minimising the house edge and increasing your winning chances!

What do the colours on a strategy table represent?

The colours on a strategy table symbolise the optimal moves a Kiwi player should make based on their cards and the dealer's upcard. Each colour corresponds to a specific action like hit, stand, double, split, or surrender.

Are all tables the same, or do they vary based on game rules?

Strategy tables can vary based on specific game rules and the number of decks in use, so players should ensure their table matches the game they're playing. So, always make sure to use the right one!

What does the Hi-Lo Count system bring to the world of card counting?

The Hi-Lo Count system simplifies card counting by assigning point values to each card type. High-value cards are tagged as -1, low-value cards carry a +1 value, and neutral cards are marked as zero.
